Friday, May 29, 2020

We Will Be Citizens Religion and Homosexuality as National Themes in Angels in America - Literature Essay Samples

We Will Be Citizens: Religion and Homosexuality as National Themes in Angels in America Tony Kushner’s two-part play, Angels in America, claims to be â€Å"a gay fantasia on national themes† (Kushner). The intertwining stories center around the emergence of the AIDS virus in the late 1980’s, and manages to give faces and lives to some of the countless people who were victims of what is considered by many to be a plague. But while the AIDS virus is at the center of attention in Angels, Kushner also highlights the theme of religion in America in increasingly subversive ways. Through multi-faceted characters, and their complicated relationships, Kushner tells the story of Judaism and Mormonism individually as national themes in a way that impacts just as forcefully as the more centered gay narrative. Finally, he crosses paths, and the three themes – Mormonism, Judaism, and homosexuality – begin to tell the same narrative of painful otherness, journey, and redemption in the modern American landscape. Angels has three leading characters that identify as Mormon. Joe is a Mormon man suppressing his sexuality, while his wife Harper deals with the trauma of anxiety and addiction. Finally, Joe’s mother Hannah picks up her life in Salt Lake City, Utah, and moves to New York City to take care of her son. But, strangely enough, the story of Mormonism as an American theme begins with Prior, the non-religious protagonist suffering from AIDS. Prior outwardly has nothing to do with Mormonism, and only seems to know enough about the faith to know that Mormons are stigmatized in mainstream American culture, gawking at his lover Joe and sputtering that he â€Å"can’t be a Mormon. You’re a lawyer! A serious lawyer† (Perestroika 67). It’s through two important qualities that Prior connects to Mormonism, the first being his self-identification as a â€Å"WASP† (Millenium 20), and the second being his position as a prophet. Prior’s journey to becoming an unlikely messenger for God mirrors with remarkable similarity that of Joseph Smith Jr., the prophet who received the message from God in the early 1800’s that prompted the start of Mormonism. Joseph Smith Jr. was the descendant of British immigrants to the New World and was what we today would give the WASP title: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Like Joseph Smith, Prior is a product of Yankee New England (Hutchinson-Jones 7). Both men are subject to the idea that the white community seems to lack a sense of culture, but the text rejects this idea. Instead, Kushner makes Prior a sort of blank slate, able to absorb the teachings from all of the religious people in his life, and from the Angel. With no basis for religious knowledge, Prior is able to roll with the punches when he takes on the role of prophet. If Prior’s story is also Smith’s, Angels can work as an inclusion of Mormonism as an integral part of American culture. Perhaps a little more obvious is the Angel herself. Those with a fair knowledge of Mormonism can easily recognize that, despite the tidbits of Jewish Old Testament in her actions and speech, the Angel that visits Prior is modeled after the Angel Moroni. The trajectory is almost identical. â€Å"Like the Angel Moroni, [this angel] comes to Prior at night in his bed, announces a great work he is to carry out, and tells him of the book to which she will lead him† (Hutchinson-Jones 12). Like the story of Mormonism, this book is buried underground, one under a nearby hill and the other â€Å"under the tiles under the sink† (Perestroika 44). Prior also gets ahold of a pair of glasses with rocks for lenses, another nod to Mormonism, as Joseph Smith tended to go treasure hunting using the same â€Å"peep stones†, rocks with holes in the middle. It’s Prior’s witty remarks, and Kushner’s dark humor, but the history owes a debt to Mormonism, and it is t hrough imagery from the Mormon holy book that this American story unwinds. Additionally, the angel’s presence and power, and also that of God, are intrinsically linked with sexuality in a way that ties together Mormonism and the homosexual identity in even more complicated ways. This stems from the way Mormons see their relationship to God. Mormons believe in a state of being called ‘godhood’, which explains that God was once a man, and through living a physical life, was later exalted to a deity-like state. It also indicates that, with the right choices, the Mormon people will eventually embody god-like forms as well. God is the same type of being as man, only older and more powerful. Thus, in a Mormon cosmos, spiritual beings would continue to possess and exert sexuality, like the angels Prior knows â€Å"copulate ceaselessly† (Perestroika 49). Thus, starkly unlike the views of Judaism or Christianity, â€Å"it has always been a fundamental tenant of Mormonism that the sexual power is divine, eternal and exalting† (Austin 32). The views of Mormonism on corporeality and the lifestyle of the celestial beings in Angels line up. This important parallel, the existence of guiltless, shameless, heaven-sanctioned non-procreative sex, puts Mormonism and the homosexual community eye-to-eye. And, like the early Greco-Roman understanding of homosocial and homoerotic bonds as being those that go on to create empires, nations and laws rather than offspring, Mormonism also embraces non-procreative sex as a part of the journey into something bigger than time and physical bodies. Together, these two otherwise unrelated topics conjoin under the umbrella of the American narrative. Whereas Mormonism is a religion that is wholly American from start to finish, Judaism fits in with the narrative of the American lifestyle a little less cleanly. Judaism pre-exists America by a millennium, and claims its original home as the Middle East. And of course, the United States, and even more so the theoretical idea of ‘America’ and all it’s connotations, are said to be the land of the free, which is to say secular. And yet, Kushner opens up his entire play with a very Jewish scene during the funeral of Louis’s grandmother, Sarah Ironson. Jyl Lynn Felman, writer for Jewish magazine Tikkun, argues that this opening scene not only establishes Judaism as a critical American narrative in Angels, but also seeks to intertwine the struggles of American Judaism with homosexual community and the AIDS epidemic. This very first, quintessentially Jewish moment starts with Rabbi Chemelwitz openly admitting he doesn’t know Sarah Ironson personally, and reading from a sheet of family members, commenting on the non-Jewish names. But then he goes into a monologue explaining the journey and continual exodus of the Jewish people, and ends by saying the iconic line â€Å"in you that journey is† (Kushner 11), referring to the spiritual obligation to continue the Jewish identity in a form of Diaspora that can translate to the secular American life. It’s this that prompts Louis to say he has lived near to his grandmother for years, but has never visited her. It’s here, in Louis admitting he’s abandoned his family out of fear of re-encountering conflicts he wants to put behind him, where worlds collide. â€Å"Louis’s absence from his family must also be read in the context of the historical abandonment of an entire people and the shame that that abandonment prod uced† (2), Felman writes. â€Å"Louis has internalized the family shame and projects this shame onto his grandmother†¦This singular act of abandonment of an immigrant grandmother, by a self-loathing Jew, forms the controlling metaphor upon which Kushner seeks to negotiate the question of morality in human relations in the age of AIDS† (2). Readers know this moment in Angels is not long before Louis also abandons his partner out of fear of his disease, and Kushner is aware of the parallel of the two. Louis’s sense of failure is twofold as the child of a complex America. As a non-practicing Jew living in a secular world, he is outside the constructs of traditional Judaism, just like he is outside the construct of heteronormativity as openly being homosexual. In both senses, Louis feels inadequate and unable to cope with the demands. He cannot carry the weight of his grandmother’s rich but dying history, and he cannot carry the burden of the visceral phy sical reality of AIDS. While this is doubly frightening for Louis, it also illuminates the larger similarities between Judaism and homosexuality, specifically the AIDS epidemic for the reader. Here Diaspora acts like the AIDS virus, creating a diluted community both desperate to retain their culture and hyper-aware of impending death. When the people who carry your culture and your community die off, and the next generation is not ready or willing to reclaim it out of fear, what happens to a community? Enter the play’s fictionalized Ethel Rosenberg, the semi-tangible ghost of the woman put to death for espionage in 1953. She embodies the rejected Jewish elder, just as Sarah Ironson did, betrayed by everyone around her, including in this case Roy Cohn, now also dying of AIDS. But unlike Sarah Ironson, Ethel is able to shift the balance of power. Through keeping Cohn alive long enough to see himself be disbarred, she gains retribution for the abandonment that the modern Jewish community feels (Felman 3) This alone would have made the arc of Roy Cohn and the ghost of Ethel Rosenberg solely about exacting vengeance for a history of Jewish abandonment in a modern world. However, the arc is tied back in to the gay community through the single meeting of Ethel, the betrayed Jewish mother, and Louis, the abandoning Jewish son, during the moment of the Kaddish. In an intensely strange, and moving moment, Ethel Rosenberg stands and leads Louis through the Kaddish over Roy Cohn’s dead body. For something so goofy – Louis has a Kleenex on his head for a yarmulke and Ethel leads him in finishing the prayer with â€Å"you sonofabitch† (Perestroika 126) – it is also a moment of forgiveness for everyone involved. Everyone in the hospital room at this moment has cultural baggage, and are both victims and perpetrators of the morality, or lack thereof, which permeates their culture. Roy Cohn, with his whirlwhind of racism, homophobia and total abandonment of his Jewish heritage, has injured Ethel, Louis, and Belize alike, and their respective communities. But even he, in his final moments, is shown to be helpless, pitiful, and worth so me semblance of sympathy. Here they are two halves of a whole, with Louis young and unable to find the correct way to absolve and be absolved of guilt and anger and Ethel, dead already for half a century, being the only one who has the vocabulary of forgiveness (Felman 3). Through watching his fall from fame, and then finally leading Louis through the Kaddish, Ethel can represent the Jewish community in forgiving Roy, and the type of person Roy represents. Through demanding prayer, and insisting, â€Å"a Queen can forgive her vanquished foe† (Perestroika 124), and by stealing the rest of his AZT, Belize and Louis can find this same catharsis and forgiveness on behalf of the gay community. So, as the first Kaddish, for Sarah Ironson, seeks to mourn the abandonment plaguing the two communities, the second Kaddish seeks to identify the only thing that can repair it: forgiveness. Clearly Kushner was vigilant when writing Angels in America to link Mormonism to the gay community and Judaism to the gay community in specific, enriching ways that didn’t take away the unique qualities of either religion. But the similarities in culture and history become most unmistakable when the text joins all three communities together as one, hurtling forward into an unknown American future. In the most crucial ways that Mormonism and Judaism connect to each other, they connect as well to the larger theme of gay community in Angels. This narrative begins with the identity of the Other. Otherness as an American theme connects all three solely on the similarity that they are not accepted by those around them, a feeling that produces so much isolation and suffering that it becomes an identity of its own. All three communities, Mormon, Jewish and gay, acquire their Otherness on a basic level from deviation from what is considered the â€Å"normal† American person. Whi te, Christian and heterosexual are the attributes applied to the ideal American. Prior has the White Christian part down, but misses the boat on heterosexual, while Joe is missing the Christian bit even if he can fake it until he makes it on the heterosexuality front, and Louis is not Christian or heterosexual, and as a Jewish man his whiteness is disputable. Together, Mormons, Jewish people and homosexuals take on roles of Others that make them immediately targetable for discrimination, slander, judgment, and hatred. The constant scapegoat, pariahs and untouchables, Others have to constantly grapple for a space and identity in a hostile environment. One startlingly specific way in which all three of these communities experience bias as Others is through a condemnation of sexuality. For the homosexual community, this is explicit and unveiled. In a country so immersed in both Christian values and compulsory heterosexuality, the presence of non-procreative sexual intimacy as the practice of a community practically ensures abuse against that community. As we’ve read in our curriculum this semester, and as we continue to see in our every day lives, this kind of abuse ranges from job discrimination, to rape, to denial of basic legal rights, like the right to marriage, to explosive verbal abuse, like Roy Cohn’s series of expletives at Belize in Perestroika. Historically, murder as a hate crime was and is also a very real possibility for many gay communities. All based on sexuality consider ed to be â€Å"inverted† or â€Å"backwards† due to the presence of a â€Å"right† way, i.e. heterosexuality. It’s this assumption, that homosexuality is the wrong or opposite way to be conducting intimacy, that helped produce the stereotype that the gay community was one of sexual predation and excess. So, when the AIDS epidemic arrived in the 80’s, the exact time period in which Angels in America is set, the pre-existing stereotype was the perfect excuse for blame. The gay community immediately became the cause, face and reason for AIDS. The gay community was socially shunned and shamed, in addition to also being ravaged simultaneously by a disease that killed one in three at the time. Cures and treatments lagged behind because government officials refused to recognize the existence of a disease that was killing so rapidly and in such great numbers. Because of a sexual preference that was contrary to the American assumption of goodness, the gay c ommunity was essentially left for dead. It’s no surprise then, that Roy Cohn’s definition of the homosexual is a man or community that lacks power. The stories of the Jewish community and Mormon community have not always been so different, despite having been separate temporally. For Mormons, a similar stigma comes largely from polygamy. Though the doctrine of polygamy has been long banished from Mormon teachings, it remains the trait about Mormonism that sticks the best, and to many seems to imply the same sort of illicit penchant for excess, or the inclination to take advantage of others sexually. Propaganda in the early twentieth century portrayed Mormons as laviscious, and anti-Mormon publications â€Å"abound with images, both frightening and humorously demeaning, of wicked old Mormon polygamists with captive harems of innocent young women† (Hutchinson-Jones 9). Frequently facing expulsion from the lands where they tried to settle, this sort of sexual slander was one of the points of contention. The Jewish story of oppression includes these sentiments as well. In arriving in America from oppression and genocide abroad, the Jewish community only faced more discrimination as an Other group in America. Between 1880 and 1920, anti-Semitism entered the American arena on a massive scale, and the Jewish pervert became a trope ubiquitous enough to cause Jewish people to be banned from resorts and hotels (Freedman 93). Ivy League schools began to put quotas on the number of Jewish students they would accept, and mainstream American anti-Semitism was directly responsible for the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, which prevented the movement of the Jewish community and other Eastern European populations (Freedman 93). Publications made it seem as if America’s sexual purity had been violated for the first time by the immorality of the Jewish population, credited to â€Å"those certain hideous and abhorrent forms of vice, which have their origin in countries of the East, and w hich in recent years have sprung into existence in this country, have been taught to the abandoned creatures who practice them, and fostered, elaborated, and encouraged by the lecherous Jew!† (Selzer 49). They were also credited inaccurately with heading white prostitution in America, largely by selling their own daughters (Freedman 93). It appears that a common method of ostracizing a community that doesn’t fit the guidelines of American traits is to accuse them of abnormal lust. Not surprising, since the prudish American culture counts sexuality as one of its biggest taboos. As an offshoot, or perhaps because they are always ostracized as the Others, all three communities have in common travel as a deeply-held impulse as well. This harkens back again to the first Kaddish of Rabbi Chemelwitz, but also some of the musings of Harper and the Mormon Mother puppet. Mormons, Jewish people, and the gay community have all felt the push, often driven by this aforementioned Otherness, to travel to a chosen location where things will be better. For the Jewish community, exiled for hundreds of years, a spreading and diluting occurred while they traveled the world looking for asylum. This process, according to scholar Ranen Omer-Sherman, â€Å"is a conversional one that involves a movement of dis- and relocation† (91). What this means is that, as community breaks and re-forms and transforms with distance, Judaism evolves and mutates with the flexibility that only a people in exile could perform. Rabbi Chemelwitz implies this when he insists, â€Å"you do not l ive in America. No such place exists. Your clay is the clay of some Litvak shtetl, your air the air of the steppes† (Millenium 10). Judaism branches out and evolves, while keeping within them the spirit of their culture. Similarly, the story of Mormonism is relational to travel, despite being a wholly American religion. Rejected from state after state, Mormons dreamed of Deseret, the name of the Mormon holy land, a revival of Zion in Utah before it was a United States territory (Hutchinson-Jones 11). A radical, home-grown religion that began from grassroots, Mormonism was forced to wander across the country to do something as simple as live they life they felt they were being called to lead, a sentiment that is also readily understandable in a Jewish or homosexual context. For the gay community, the desired location was not Zion or Utah, but the urban centers. Ultra-conservative locations in rural America produced a migration of gay individuals that mirrored that of Mormons an d Jews to cities, where they desperately searched for sanctity. There was the hope of community, acceptance and understanding. In some cases this was found, but in all three the final destination was not the end of the trials, but rather only another set of difficulties in another location. But, as Hutchinson-Jones points out, there is a crucial third commonality between the three communities, in the form of hope. â€Å"Hope for the future, tinged with millennial expectation, is an important part of America’s national identity† (10) she writes, referring to the infallible hope of all three. Angels is deeply invested in the new millennium, with fear, excitement, and especially for hope. Whether it is the second coming of the Lord, the resolution of the heated Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or just a more accepting world, all three communities are eager with hope for the coming years and the arrival of the second millennium. All three communities are fighting for respect, having â€Å"struggled with powers that seemed too great to overcome, and, through the strength of their convictions, received the divine intervention that they sought† (Austin 34). Perhaps this is why Prior, in the end of the play, is shown holding a cane and limping, the disability ostensibly the result of his AIDS. The strategic injury, one injured leg causing a limp, harkens back to both Mormon prophet Joseph Smith and the Jewish prophet Jacob, who both physically wrestled with angels in order to get what they wanted (Austin 34), and came away with both a permanent limp, and the blessing they had desired. Prior too demands his blessing, and, supporting himself with his cane, tells the audience â€Å"we will be citizens. The time has come† (Perestroika, 148). In these final moments, Prior speaks for the Mormon community, the Jewish community and the gay community in a final assertion of their brotherhood. Otherness is arbitrary. Acceptance is mandatory; community is life giving, even if the melting pot won’t melt. Jewish, Mormon, or gay, the American story is all these things and more. Works Cited Austin, Michael. Theology for the Approaching Millennium. Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 30 (1997): 26-44. Print. Felman, Jyl Lynn. Lost Jewish (male) souls: a midrash on Angels in America.. Tikkun 1995: 27. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 May 2015. Freedman, Jonathan. Angels, Monsters, And Jews : Intersections Of Queer And Jewish Identity In Kushners Angels In America. Pmla 1 (1998): 90. RAMBI. Web. 1 May 2015. Hutchinson-Jones, Cristine. Mormons and American Culture in Tony Kushners Angels in America. Center and Periphery. Utah State UP, 2010. Print. Kushner, Tony. Angels in America Part One: Millenium Approaches. New York: Theater Communications Group, 1993. Print. Kushner, Tony. Angels in America Part Two: Perestroika. New York: Theater Communications Group, 1993. Print. Omer-Sherman, Ranen. Jewish/Queer: Thresholds Of Vulnerable Identities In Tony Kushners Angels In America. Shofar 4 (2007): 78. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 May 2015 Selzer, Michael. Kike! New York: World. 1972 Works Consulted Austin, Michael. Theology for the Approaching Millennium. Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 30 (1997): 26-44. Print. Felman, Jyl Lynn. Lost Jewish (male) souls: a midrash on Angels in America.. Tikkun 1995: 27. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 May 2015. Freedman, Jonathan. Angels, Monsters, And Jews : Intersections Of Queer And Jewish Identity In Kushners Angels In America. Pmla 1 (1998): 90. RAMBI. Web. 1 May 2015. Hutchinson-Jones, Cristine. Mormons and American Culture in Tony Kushners Angels in America. Center and Periphery. Utah State UP, 2010. Print. Kushner, Tony. Angels in America Part One: Millenium Approaches. New York: Theater Communications Group, 1993. Print. Kushner, Tony. Angels in America Part Two: Perestroika. New York: Theater Communications Group, 1993. Print. Omer-Sherman, Ranen. Jewish/Queer: Thresholds Of Vulnerable Identities In Tony Kushners Angels In America. Shofar 4 (2007): 78. Literature Resource Center. Web. 1 May 2015 Selzer, Michael. Kike! New York: World. 1972 Stout, Daniel A., Joseph D. Straubhaar, and Gayle Newbold. Through A Glass Darkly: Mormons As Perceived By Critics Reviews Of Tony Kushners Angels In America.. Dialogue: A Journal Of Mormon Thought 32.2 (1999): 133-157. America: History Life. Web. 1 May 2015.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Want to Know More About Good Persuasive Essay Topics for College Students?

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Top Choices of Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye

Top Choices of Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye Salinger utilized Holden as a methods for expressing his real thoughts. As the novel advances, we start to see how Holden is getting increasingly shaky. She shouldn't discover the storyteller because of her dad. The storyteller in Novel is likewise terrified of progress since he's reluctant when he's kissing the young lady. In any case, all of them would appear in the general rundown. Give all the main subtleties, let us think about the cutoff time, and we'll start making your paper to help you in getting high evaluations. Indeed, even in the occasion the cutoff time is really close, don't hesitate to get hold of our administrators. Remember there are course books and web apparatuses you can use to check whether you've placed a comma in the proper spot or utilized the worthy article. You should rehearse, improve your aptitudes, and hold fast to some fundamental intentions for form an extraordinary book. Any assistance would be appriciated on the grounds that I don't think a lot about what the outcomes are in the book. Numerous understudies see how to design the content however do not understand how to discover motivation. He chooses to do this, since he didn't get anything's left to do. Additionally, he can't find his place in the Earth, which emerges, from his typical tendency to lie and is a difficult he can't seem to maintain a strategic distance from. Rehash everything to decide if it streams accurately a tip you may utilize is to recite it for all to hear and find on the off chance that you ever battle. The 5 essential pieces of imagery show the battles he faces and his enthusiastic precariousness. The New Fuss About Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye likewise, don't disregard to take a gander at our article tests, as they will have the option to enable you to comprehend what your paper ought to resemble and gracefully you with some new theme thoughts. Each article will have a point, however you need to tell the crowd the motivation behind your unmistakable exposition. The centrality of the subject for an exposition may not be thought little of since it decides the all out evaluation of the paper. As often as possible, the subject of a paper can be appeared looking like an inquiry. Having some great point proposals and inspirational disposition is cool, however this isn't adequate to make an awesome paper. To begin composing your task you would need to run into a fascinating and promising point. Perusing is the thing that will have the option to assist you with building up your capacities. Numerous undergrads would state that composing is rarely basic, particularly when you should consider inventive and fascinating theme thoughts. There's, plainly, a cutoff on the scope of pages even our best journalists can deliver with a squeezing cutoff time, however by and large, we can fulfill all the customers looking for dire help. Ordinarily, it takes as long as two hours of time to sift through many locales until you find something energizing to expound on. In the wake of finding our site, you will no longer should trouble loved ones with these sorts of solicitations. In view of your understudies, some of these subjects might be excessively dubious or full grown. Kind of Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye These individuals all speak to various aspects of the City, and of urbanization during the beginning of the Atomic Age. The better piece of the book happens in nyc, as before referenced. Humouris simply used to exhibit how imbecilic people can really be on the planet. This, in this way, is the reason he can't discover his place on the planet. The Good, the Bad and Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye 1 intends to do as such, is to give composing prompts concentrated on different subtleties of the novel. The whole novel is written in the absolute first person. Along these lines, numerous understudies and workers choose to buy minimal effort exposition instead of composing it themselves. The language utilized in the novel likewise has an incredibly direct and intensive depiction. Finding the Best Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye An individual can credit this to another second, another way of reasoning. The ducks show the idea that v arious vanishings are just present moment. Things You Won't Like About Essay Topics for the Catcher in the Rye and Things You Will Discuss Holden's forlornness and sorrow concerning the way that it pervades the entire section. Distance It is clear that Holden is utilizing estrangement for an adapting methodology to deal with his general surroundings. This demise is a conspicuous similitude for change into adulthood and clearly Holden isn't set up to comprehend growing up. Try not to be timid to uncover your character. Holden's ability to lie is among the underlying characteristics which he uncovers about himself (G. S). There has been a considerable amount of contentions against the utilization of hostile words, however as I would see it, despite the fact that the language doesn't appear to be appropriate for society, it's extremely fit to the character. He's been dead for three decades. Among the components that you should look out for is the topics.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Why is it Important to Disprove Potential Counterclaims When Writing an Argum?

<h1>Why is it Important to Disprove Potential Counterclaims When Writing an Argum?</h1><p>I have seen numerous potential counterclaims stopped against the first claim in which a customer mentioned to call a settlement gathering. The lawyer expressed that since this was a potential counterclaim, a settlement gathering was not necessary.</p><p></p><p>Counterclaims are only that - an approach to document your own claim and put your customers on edge. The law expresses that each gathering has the option to call observers, record movements and different archives contrary to another's cases. So a settlement gathering is a path for you to introduce your case. It isn't generally important for each gathering to call observers, however in certain occasions, for example, with clinical negligence cases, a settlement meeting is an indication that the lawyers may wish to call observers so as to fortify their case.</p><p></p><p>In re action to a solicitation for a settlement gathering, the contradicting lawyer may express that the offended party has no case on the grounds that an individual's case is 'uncertain.' There are a few different ways to characterize 'uncertain' under the law. An offended party should initially have the option to build up that their case falls inside the 'dangers' sketched out in the protest. That implies that you have reasonable justification to accept that your case is legitimate under the relevant law.</p><p></p><p>Once you have set up that your case meets those models, you should then exhibit to different gatherings that your case is substantial. This implies you should demonstrate that your customer has an authentic case. You do this by considering different gatherings to the case to the table to give proof that your customer's case ought not be excused from court.</p><p></p><p>If a gathering documents a solution to your protest, an a rgum rerum, or rejoinder recorded as a hard copy, the appropriate response will neglect to meet this prerequisite if there is no proof to help the grievance. When documenting an answer, the contradicting party must endeavor to express that their case is almost certainly substantial. They can do this by alluding to whatever other proof that could demonstrate that the case is valid.</p><p></p><p>Since each gathering will introduce an alternate arrangement of proof, this necessitates you call different gatherings to the table so as to introduce your own arrangement of proof. One great system for you to utilize when composing a collection term is to utilize the law of counterclaims. What you have to do is compose a concise layout of what is required so as to make a solid contention and afterward to set up the contention for your individual insight with the goal that they will have the option to introduce it effectively.</p><p></p><p>This s ystem can likewise be utilized when drafting the proposed request of disclosure. You have to ensure that you get your customer's Exhibit A, their proposed Exhibit B, and your customer's Exhibit C before the contradicting party gets an opportunity to get anything by any means. This kind of debate goals procedure is called 'doing combating for position.'</p><p></p><p>If you decide to go with this specific technique, you will be in an ideal situation when your customer comes to you with an increasingly complete and more grounded case. You will have the option to get ready and present your own contentions, and the contradicting gathering won't have the option to highlight any proof to counter your case. On the off chance that the case isn't excused, you will in any case have your customer endeavoring to bring out proof that will be introduced in court.</p>

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay Topic - Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics

<h1>Essay Topic - Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics</h1><p>Writing fascinating clear articles can be a genuine test. Frequently, there is no reasonable and fixed style or arrangement for the exposition, which makes it increasingly hard to compose a decent one. The most ideal approach to consider it is that there are three central matters you have to consider when pondering your paper topic.</p><p></p><p>One of the main focuses is the manner by which you will in reality express your thought in your exposition. You should utilize language that individuals will comprehend and identify with. It ought to be brief, brief yet fresh. It ought to be easy to peruse and your point ought to be to come to your meaningful conclusion brief. Expounding on a mind boggling subject resembles utilizing an excessive amount of detail.</p><p></p><p>The second point is how much detail you need to remember for your article. In the event tha t you need to incorporate a great deal of data about something, you will find that it takes any longer to compose. A genuine model is on the off chance that you are expounding on the historical backdrop of the town you live in. A superior thought is give a record of what the town is known for and how it is not the same as different towns in the country.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you have to think about the organization of your spellbinding paper subjects. You need them to be as short as could be expected under the circumstances and to have the option to remain solitary. You need to introduce an unmistakable point and to have the option to attract individuals to perceive what you are attempting to say.</p><p></p><p>Interesting exposition subjects are composed in light of the fact that they are intended to incite thought and are not just to fulfill the eye. So when you compose, consistently utilize explicit models while depicting things.< /p><p></p><p>If you use whatever number models as would be prudent, the peruser can ponder the subject of the paper and to value the earnestness of the subject. In the event that you begin by expounding on something straightforward and, at that point depict in more prominent detail what it is that you are expounding on, the peruser will think that its difficult to take in. They will end up talking over one another. So keep it simple.</p><p></p><p>Most individuals need to get increasingly out of their training, so composing instructive articles is well known. This is particularly valid for the individuals who need to go on to further developed investigations or seek after professions in news-casting or government. Composing is perhaps the most ideal approaches to get a comprehension of the point. At the point when you compose something fascinating, you will locate that numerous individuals will need to peruse it.</p>

How Long Do College Papers Need to Be?

<h1>How Long Do College Papers Need to Be?</h1><p>Sometimes it appears that a school article requires a great deal of work and time yet once you move beyond the principal couple of pages, you start to consider to what extent do school papers should be? Above all else, a school paper ought to be straightforward. All things considered, a few people attempt to compose a long exposition to breathe easy. There are a great deal of advantages to doing this, so it relies upon you.</p><p></p><p>You can really slice the time you have to record a long article significantly. This is on the grounds that numerous individuals begin and afterward stop halfway and later start once more. All things considered, you can spare a great deal of time and exertion by not starting from the very beginning again.</p><p></p><p>This can assist you with accelerating the procedure and spare a ton of time and exertion since you don't need to begin wit h a draft. You can make a first draft and afterward just modify and alter. A few people even do this by making notes and recording certain focuses to deal with later. This is useful on the off chance that you have to update or alter in the future.</p><p></p><p>As long as your paper is no longer than 500 words, you can likewise have confidence that you will have the option to discover something you need to include or change. At the point when you are composing a school article, you normally need to do a ton of research and learn as much as possible. While you may have found out about something in a school course some place, you can at present figure out how to put your own curve on the facts.</p><p></p><p>This is an incredible advantage of this kind of exposition. You can give individuals who experience a comparable circumstance an answer for their concern. There are a great deal of different advantages, as well. Individuals by and larg e think that its more clear what you are discussing on the off chance that they are at any rate allowed the chance to peruse your essay.</p><p></p><p>When you are composing a school exposition, you ought not stress over composing a hundred pages. You might need to begin with the initial two pages and stir your way up from that point. Regardless of whether you need to skirt a few realities in your exploration, you can even now remember it for your article. That is even more motivation to chop down the length of your school paper and make it as short as possible.</p><p></p><p>Writing a school article can be an exceptionally fascinating and charming experience. Your article is your opportunity to communicate and show how you can have any kind of effect in somebody's life.</p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Internal Controls - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 979 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/17 Category Industry Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Internal Controls XACC 280 Crystal Riley Sanford September 10, 2010 Instructor Glenn Dakin Internal Controls Internal controls are the measures a company takes to do accomplish two primary goals; protect their assets from employee theft, robbery and unauthorized use. Internal controls are also used to increase accuracy of company financial information, reducing the risk of errors (accidental) and irregularities (intentional) (Weygandt, 2009). Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was put into effect because of the corporate scams that were being committed in that time period. Congress passed the act to force companies to keep closer tabs on their internal controls. Under SOX, companies are required to â€Å"develop sound principles of control over financial reporting† (Weygandt, 2009). According to Wegandt (2009), corporate executives have complained in about the time and expense that is involved in monitoring internal controls, but it has been proven that investors are less likely to invest in a company that does not comply with SOX. So SOX has affected internal controls in a positive way because a company is more likely to attract investors on top of that company having more accurate records. Even if it were not for the investors, companies will see less fraud and a higher amount of accuracy in their records by complying with SOX. As part of SOX, companies are also required to report any deficiencies in their internal controls. Because investors are more confident and comfortable with a company that complies with SOX, it is true in turn those investors lose confidence in a company that has deficiencies in its internal control. With this lose in confidence is the risk of a drop in stock prices. Internal controls can only provide a company with a certain amount of assurance that their assets are being protected. For example, in the accounting office at Wal-Mart, the cash is required to be balanced three times a day; before we start work for the day, after the pick-up (counting registers and making the deposit) and before we leave. This is an internal control that helps us locate where an error occurred limits the window of opportunity to steal money. Cameras, of course, are also put in place to review in case an incident arises. Limitations of Internal Controls One example of the limitation of control is the safeguarding of assets such as store merchandise and office supplies. In most if not all company policies, it is stated that if you take something from the supply closet for use other than work, it is considered stealing. However, a majority of employees have the attitude that a pen will not make a difference, or a notebook, or a stapler, but it is still considered stealing, as is taking a $0. 0 candy bar from a register. It is unreasonable to keep tabs on supplies that employees use, especially for businesses that have a lot of office use and a lot of employees. Employees who are c aught can be dealt with; otherwise it Is left to the integrity of the employees. â€Å"Control is most effective when only one person is responsible for a given task† (Weygandt, 2009). One example of such a control is one person per cash box. If it is not possible, an audit of the drawer should be performed when the next person signs on. Recently the cash office had a register that was short. Upon research, six different people at been on and off that register all day. At that point it is impossible to determine the responsible party. As a result, all employees who operated that register received a write up for the missing money. Why were proper controls not exercised? Because of the human element. In order for proper controls to take place, only one person can use a register at a time or else an audit is required. Only management can perform audits. This can be time consuming and conflicts with the time constraints and the other responsibilities that an employee needs to or feels they need to complete. Nothing usually happens anyway, right? There are certain areas that internal controls are easier to keep track of and other areas where they are fuzzy. For example, entering data and having limited tasks in an area increase the effectiveness of internal controls. In other areas, such as cash handling combined with customer service and other various tasks, those internal controls may not seem as important concerning the register as it does stock. Comparison of Internal Controls Establishment of responsibility and segregation of duties are similar in that one person is assigned and responsible for a certain asset. In establishing responsibility, it is easy to determine who made a mistake and how it was made because one person was responsible. In segregation of duties, one person is assigned to a certain task alternately. For example, having one person count the cash in the office and having the other key it into the system, to ensure numbers are n ot being changed to make everything appear balanced. Physical, mechanical and electronic controls are used to safeguard assets and enhance the security of them (Weygandt, 2009). Examples would be keys only assigned to cash office personnel, the code on the vault, time clocks and video surveillance. Independent internal verification is way of double checking the information reported by employees. For example, managers are not directly associated with the accounting office and they check the daily work completed by accounting office employees on a weekly or semi-weekly basis to ensure that all reports and numbers match. Internal controls of every kind are very important in maintaining accurate records and in discouraging unethical behavior performed by those who have been made responsible for certain controls. If internal controls are being carried out properly, a company will only stand to gain from the ‘hassle’ of complying with SOX. Resource Weygandt, J. J. , Kim mel, P. D. , Kieso, D. E. (2008). Financial accounting (6th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Internal Controls" essay for you Create order

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Custom Writing For a Degree Or Custom Writing For a Job

<h1>Custom Writing For a Degree Or Custom Writing For a Job</h1><p>Do your exposition custom composition for this present reality, or would you like to get a degree from some school just to proceed onward? You can have both.</p><p></p><p>If you are keen on a degree, you are presumably searching for the greatest assist you with canning get. You may need to step through an exam, and a degree can give you the edge when stepping through those examinations. The issue is, however, that getting a degree will expect you to invest energy doing the investigation for these classes.</p><p></p><p>This is the motivation behind why numerous individuals are taking a gander at the two majors programs that are offered by a few schools and colleges. On the off chance that you are one of them, you may not require a degree to find a new line of work, however you need a specific measure of money to pay for all the expenses of living. On the off chance that you can't do that with only a minor, you might need to think about the choice of returning to class and getting a major.</p><p></p><p>There are many schools that offer various school courses that are certify by a portion of the top business colleges. These courses are normally more required than the general classes you would be taking, and these will give you enough experience to assist you with going after a superior paying position in reality. There are a great deal of degrees to browse, including business, bookkeeping, lawful, designing, nursing, etc.</p><p></p><p>If you conclude that you need to begin once again, you can either return to class and take your degree, or you can get your degree on the web. So as to do this, you may need to visit a school that offers a degree on the web. A portion of these schools have teachers that can give you a hands-on way to deal with each exercise that they give you.</p>< ;p></p><p>You will become familiar with about the coursework too. These colleges offer more open doors for taking on the web classes. This is something that is incredible for individuals who don't have the opportunity to visit a real grounds, yet who need to become familiar with the topic in a configuration that suits their occupied schedules.</p><p></p><p>This is the reason you can begin directly out custom composition for this present reality, or do your paper custom composition for a degree program. Regardless of what you conclude, you will consistently have the option to think back on your instruction with pride.</p>

Possible Thematic Essay Topics

<h1>Possible Thematic Essay Topics</h1><p>There are some awesome motivations to compose a potential topical paper. A decent paper can get you into an extraordinary school. It is likewise not difficult to do and can be appreciated by anybody. This can be your first time composing a potential topical exposition and you might be a little apprehensive.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to do is comprehend that there are a ton of paper subjects for you to look over. Most universities will request that you pick one as a center point for your school vocation arrangement. A portion of the better ones are strict topics, natural subjects, business subjects, and so forth. There are bunches of acceptable ones to browse. The most ideal approach to discover what points you should utilize is to do some examination on them.</p><p></p><p>Once you have a rundown of the papers you might want to use for your conceivable topical exposi tion subjects, you should know which one you ought to remember for your composition. Fortunately there are simple approaches to make it simpler for you to choose what to compose about.</p><p></p><p>Remember, it is anything but difficult to overthink things and this can make you overlook your subject. Think carefully. The least complex strategy to consider your subject is to just peruse a decent book or watch a decent movie.</p><p></p><p>This way you will have real data to expound on. Perusing a decent book is something that you can without much of a stretch do. You will find that perusing a decent book will incredibly profit your writing.</p><p></p><p>Next, you will need to watch a decent film. Films will allow you to watch various motion pictures and perceive how they can engage you. Films will likewise assist you with deciding whether you like the movie.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you will n eed to watch a decent book. Books are the most straightforward approach to assist you with finding out about a subject. Numerous individuals stall out in their point and wind up making something that is only business as usual. By perusing a decent book you will have the option to make up your mind.</p>

Monday, May 11, 2020

Teaching Essay Writing to 3rd Graders

<h1>Teaching Essay Writing to third Graders</h1><p>Teaching exposition keeping in touch with third graders ought to be a great encounter. When you get them in secondary school, they ought to peruse secondary textbooks and magazines. It's as of now hard for them to peruse as a result of their limited capacity to focus, however once they begin composing they will progress nicely. Thus, how might you be fruitful at encouraging exposition keeping in touch with third graders?</p><p></p><p>Keep the topic basic and natural to them. Make the points that intrigue them and present it in a way that they will discover fascinating. Let them make disclosures while perusing as opposed to you staying there with a book. Have them make their own inquiries that may get replied in the exposition as well.</p><p></p><p>Three or four primary concerns make up the paper. Try not to separate it to an extreme or you'll lose their advantage. Make it a reasonable message. Split it up into three or four sentences and afterward separate it further. Make a layout and afterward give them a motivation behind why they should peruse the entire thing.</p><p></p><p>When they return to your group later in the year, they will require a fourth point to finish the paper. Inform them to think concerning the point, inquire as to whether it is a smart thought, yet in addition consider what they would state in the event that they were in the circumstance. That is their story.</p><p></p><p>Always use passages. You can utilize three, five, or even seven sections. The decision is yours. A square of five sections will permit them to peruse one point and afterward another point, while they are following the creator's lead.</p><p></p><p>Provide a spread page or cover sheet. Try not to utilize any sort of spread, since you don't need them understanding anything. Simply give a t itle that says 'The Story' and give the sort of distribution. Regardless of whether it's a magazine, make certain to incorporate the name of the magazine and a telephone number for the author.</p><p></p><p>Start the exposition by giving the peruser an a couple of sentence rundown of the principle thought and afterward go into a couple of short sections examining every one of the central matters in the story. At the point when you are done with the initial not many passages, take a gander at the spread page and return and alter the story a smidgen. Fill in subtleties that will make it simpler for the peruser to comprehend. Instruct them to get the story at one point and give them a heading that will assist them with moving forward.</p><p></p><p>Give them the fourth point or end before the finish of the fourth passage. This will enable the peruser to move onto the following story. Permit them to return to the start again to rehash the se ction and make sense of the subtleties of the story. It is significant that they realize how to follow the creator's lead. Therefore, the educator is normally more qualified to show the writer how to compose papers than the student.</p>

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics Cats Better than Dogs Help!

<h1>Argumentative Essay Topics Cats Better than Dogs Help! </h1> <p>Books should never to be restricted. Course readings should be free. Youngsters ought to be approached to understand more. Understudies should be allowed to ask in school. </p> <p>Cigarettes should be increasingly costly. Youngsters ought to need to take child rearing classes. They ought to have the option to pick their sleep time. </p> <p>There are bunches of viewpoints about a game which can be contended in an article. At the point when it has to do with the center school, the pugnacious article comprises of moderate themes. To find contentious paper themes simple on different stages, you should understand about the factious exposition. Factious article is tied in with belligerence and bantering regarding a matter, which is far from being obviously true. </p> <p>It is critical to choose an incredible point as an approach to form an awesome paper. A few works are simply not intended to be entertaining at all, however a phenomenal understudy with unrivaled composing aptitudes can make the interesting but then educational and exceptionally pugnacious story on a specific theme. What's more, for the best wellspring of help, examine some enticing paper models from WikiHow. Ask your educator or read a few rules on the web to form an extraordinary postulation. </p> <h2>The Unexpected Truth About Argumentative Essay Topics Cats Better than Dogs </h2> <p>Furthermore, hounds flexibly the visually impaired and incapacitated with freedom. Felines seem to accept that they're an unrivaled animal types who merit the best treatment, and should never connect with various creatures of a lower status. From various perspectives, they are the perfect housepet. Maybe, the most significant motivation behind why they are better is on the grounds that they are progressively advantageous. If all else fails, obviously, they can be declawed. </p> <p>A enticing article ought to incorporate a decent postulation articulation that will characterize the objective of the paper and capacity as a cover for those contentions and models. Here is several examples for you. They just for the most part accept that any particular treatment is nothing more than that which they merit. </p> <p>There are a few things you wish to live, numerous things you feel, and you just don't have a clue whether some of the circumstances you do are alright or not. There are in excess of a couple of motivations to get a pet. Pets carry bliss to a person's life. A feline CAN control a visually impaired individual if it's prepared to accomplish that. It's about decision and what an individual preferences. </p> <h2>Details of Argumentative Essay Topics Cats Better than Dogs </h2> <p>Cats will most likely become wanders in contrast with hounds. They don't need to be strolled. They are superior to hounds. They are more quiet than hounds. They additionally deal with their own prepping. They don't require showers because of the way that felines clean themselves. </p> <p>The same is pertinent for hounds. On the off chance that you are looking for powerful clarifications for why felines are far superior to hounds it most likely methods you're unsure. To close, felines are a great deal much preferred pets over mutts. By method for instance, I could state that felines are obviously superior to hounds since you don't have to take them out for a walk. In any case, in the house, you may need to comprehend felines to gain the most out of them and evade superfluous chomps and scratches. In any case, a great deal of felines wait in covers, and a couple of them even get murdered since they have no home to visit. </p> <p>Dogs perceptible yapping will make you get less rest extra time. Spam mail should be banned. </p> <p>Furthermore, felines can be ventured out from home alone for several hours unafraid. For loads of individuals, a feline is their absolute best companion. Moreover hounds have a lot of vitality. A canine may likewise offer assurance to a home. A pooch is adoring and cordial practically constantly and appreciates a brilliant midsection rub for a prize. Following a difficult day at work, they show energy on observing the proprietor, however the felines won't trouble except if they should be taken care of. </p> <p>Year round school is definitely not a smart thought. Ladies shouldn't pick power lifting. </p> <p>On the other side, it essentially probably won't be sufficiently brilliant. This is a fairly basic advance. Been an unrivaled round hitherto! </p> <p>This won't empower you to go amiss from the chief inquiries which you're probably going to reply in your work. It is all dependent upon individuals to find what they like in the wake of increasing a reasonable comprehension of the two species. There's an across the board issue you ought to satisfy a cutoff time, however you need zero thought what things to expound on. Days off are fantastic for family quality time. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

What Are the Best Font and Format For College Essay?

What Are the Best Font and Format For College Essay?To give you a better idea, the first and most basic part of any college essay is the composing of an essay; which can be easily dealt with by understanding the basics of how to compose a college essay. For this reason, you should learn the basics of how to write a well-structured college essay, so that it does not take you too long to prepare for. What are the best font and format for college essay?Having written down some good ideas on the subject you are working on, you should now proceed to prepare a draft or first draft for yourself to check out how it is coming to you. This means that when you find something amiss, you should immediately write it down and then go back and edit your essay by asking yourself if you can revise and improve on the article or can you think of a better way to write it?When you are able to look at the draft you have just written and see that it was something that could have been done better, you can se e that you should adjust and improve your college essay writing style, and this will have to do with the format that you use to structure your article. The format you use in the composition of the college essay is so important that it cannot be overlooked.Before you even begin the composition of the college essay, you should know what the best font and format for college essay are. This will give you a clue as to the general style that you want your essay to be and the style that you want it to stand out in. What are the best font and format for college essay?When a person is writing an essay, they tend to be very spontaneous and tend to be very in a state of mind where everything is very far flung from being well organized and having a well laid out structure. If you find that there is a paragraph or two that is quite well organized and that does not flow well with the rest of the paragraph or the college essay that you are trying to put together, then you should always make sure t hat you work on making the paragraphs flow better.In the composition of a college essay, the best font and format for college essay is one that is readable and easy to read. There are many different types of fonts and styles that are available, so you should make sure that you find the font and style that fit the style of the article you are trying to put together.If you have already had the chance to look at the many fonts and styles that are available and see that none of them fit your style and your purpose, then you should take a look at what is called a 'typographic' font and style that is used to write what is called an 'article.' The type of font and style that is best for the college essay is one that is hard to read and is very small and sharp, and does not have any kind of other detail that is included in it.To see what are the best font and format for college essay, simply spend some time looking around at the various fonts and styles that are available and decide what wo uld work best for your purpose. This will be the best way to come up with the best font and format for a college essay.

How to Find Sample APA Research Papers

How to Find Sample APA Research PapersWhen the students are trying to decide where to apply for the AOA and APA, they need to know how to find samples of APA research papers. After all, there are no shortage of these types of sources.First, students should keep in mind that in order to get these types of research papers, you need to have an idea of what the course is about. When it comes to this sort of thing, one should be well informed before they even consider applying. One way to do this is to know the kinds of courses that are being offered.For example, some courses will give out research papers as a part of their curriculum. If a student is interested in this type of course, they should look for samples of APA research papers in this category. Those that are not focused on this type of course may be able to obtain these through another source.Second, it is a good idea to check the library to see if there are any samples in the books in the library. The older the book, the more likely it is that the library has copies of research papers in this category. Also, one can always ask a professor to provide them with a sample of APA research papers. This is not usually done often, but it is definitely something that can be done.Finally, in case the students can't stress enough about the point, they should visit the university library. Although the library does not usually have any older research papers in this category, they are usually prepared to give students an older book that has been used. Since students are not going to go back and read the research paper, this is a great source of finding an older book with a copy of an APA research paper.If students are willing to spend the time looking for samples of APA research papers, they can get many great books to use for their papers. Students who are going to be using these books are just wasting their time by not getting the research papers from this source.Students can always contact the research paper writin g committee of the AOA or APA and ask for samples of APA research papers. These sources are very helpful, but it is also a good idea to contact these people if they are not available. Most offices do not keep most of the research papers that are used in courses.Lastly, a lot of information is available on the Internet about these types of research papers. Students will be able to find out a lot of information about how to locate these, what types of materials can be used, and how much they will cost. It is a wise idea to contact a website that offers this type of service.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

India has always been known for its rich cultural...

India has always been known for its rich cultural diversity. There are tens of thousands of literature work written in different languages. These work are sometimes required to be converted into digital form for portability and convenience. Script Identification of Indian languages has always been a challenging task due to similarity that occur between the scripts. The challenge is even deepened when distinguishing a language which uses the same script. For example the Bangla script is used to write Assamese, Bengali and Manipuri languages. There are various known techniques which have been used for the problem. These techniques are broadly classified under local and global approaches. Though global techniques are known for their less†¦show more content†¦These reasons ensure the demand for hard copy documents. Engineers are tackling ways to create intelligent software which can automatically analyze, extract, convert and store the text from these documents and digitize it for editing, transferring and resource efficient storing. This field of engineering falls into a general heading under the sub-domain of Digital Signal Processing called, Document image analysis, which has been a fast growing and challenging research area in recent years. Most of the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system works on a critical assumption on the script used in the image document that is supplied for recognition. A falsely selected choice of language or script type will hinder the performance of the OCR system. Therefore human intervention is required to select the appropriate package related to the supplied documents. This approach is certainly inappropriate, inefficient, impractical and undesirable. An intermediate process of script identification is required to be appended after the normal preprocessing step of skew correction, resizing, cropping and binarization. The output of this script identification process helps to determine the script used in the documents, and thus human intervention can be eliminated. Automatic script identification will not only enable to identify the script, but it can be further implemented for archiving work such as sorting and searching of document image for aShow MoreRelatedThe Discovery of India5368 Words   |  22 PagesThe Discovery of India The Discovery of India was written by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, when he was imprisoned for five months in the Ahmednagar fort during the Indian independence movement. The book was published in 1946, a year before India gained independence. Many scholars who have published elaborate studies in the field of Indian history have called the book as a classic. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

International Business in the Context of Korean Air †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the International Business in the Context of Korean Air. Answer: Introduction: Korean Air found in the year 1946 and represents one of the largest airlines of South Korea in terms of the international destinations, international flights and fleet size. Korean Air has its headquarters in Seoul and is a fully privatized airline. The global passenger division of Korean Air serves close to 127 cities in about 44 countries while the domestic division serves only 12 destinations ( 2018). Korean Air ranks highest amongst the top 20 airlines across the world in terms of the number of carried passengers and international cargo. The international hub of the Korean Air operates from the Incheon International Airport and most of the flight attendants, ground staff and pilots are Seoul based. The Korean Air provides service in around 114 international destinations in about 50 countries including the six continents. The airline has around 161 aircraft fleets ( 2018). Korean Air represents the parent company ofJin Airand is the founding member of Sky Team airline alliance. There target customers for Korean Air includes four types of first class category, three types of business and two types of the economy class(Lin 2015.). The feature of business class seats includes the Prestige Sleeper seats on all the Airbus A380s and Boeing 777-300ERs. The 777-200ER aircraft featured the Kosmo Suiteseat. The Prestige Sleeper seats reclined to about 180 degrees while the Prestige Plus seats could recline upto close to 172 degrees. The seats of the economy class reclined up to 121 degrees In the first quarter of 2017, the revenue generated by Korean Air was around 2811 billion KRW that was almost similar to the year 2016. However, the revenue generated in the first quarter of 2015 was 2816 billion KRW that less than the revenue of the first quarter of 2014 that was close to 2843 billion KRW (Tarzijn 2013). However, the first quarter of 2013 also generated revenue close to 2843 billion. The current revenue generation of the company was lower in comparison to the past years, but the company maintained a stable growth. This has helped the company in owing five hotels that included two Kal Hotels in the Jeju Island and the Hyatt in the Incheon. Reasons for Internationalization of the Airline Company The Korean Air decided to internationalize by forming a global airline alliance, known as SkyTeam, in the year 2000 ( 2018). The alliance consisted of twenty members that flew to around 1074 destinations in more than 177 countries across the world with close to around 16,600 flights on an everyday basis. The commitment of Skyteam lies in offering high-end comforts and quality service to the passengers ( 2018). The first reason for this internationalization has been the reduction of inconvenience caused to the customers due to cancellations, diversions and flight delays through the introduction of Rebooking, a pioneering solution based on technology. The second reason for the company has been in bringing the world together by delivering superior seamlessness to the millions of customers undergoing transfer between the members of the global hubs in addition to ensuring a smoother travel for the customers. The third reason for the global alliance has been the elevation of the ground experience of the customers through the introduction of newer lounges in countries like Istanbul and Santiago. The fourth reason included, providing necessary pampering and benefits to the valued customers through distinctive and luxurious touches including cold and hot buffet for international cuisine, living wall with 50 plant species thereby providing a natures touch to travel experience. The fifth reason for i nternationalization of the airline industry ensures providing a hassle free trip round the world. The benefits of internationalization experienced by the company include (Lee, Lee and Choi 2014): Ensures Creation of New Revenue Potential: Internationalization helps the company in getting greater access to a larger customer base and helps in generating more revenue Ensuring Exposure to the Foreign Investment Opportunities: Globalization also helps the company in earning foreign investment that is extremely valuable for the business. Helps in Improving the Reputation of the Company: Going global and marketing their offerings to a different population helps the airline company in earning prestige for themselves. International Product Lifecycle: The International product life cycle model ensures dividing the product marketing into main four stages that includes introduction, maturity, growth, and decline. When the product life cycle solely depends on the sales volume then its introduction and growth stage is merged (Bilir 2014). However, for the products with internationally availability the remaining three stages include the impacts of the foreign production and outsourcing. On the other hand, the rapid growth of the product in the home market often leads to experiencing saturation when the countries with lower wage tries to imitate it and thereby ensures flooding international market. General Theory The introduction of a product in a specific country, leads to rapid growth in the sales volume as the market demand remain unsatisfied. With more people wanting to buy the product, there occurs a leveling of the sales and the demand (Chang Lee and Chen 2014). With the satisfaction of the demand the sales of the product sales declines to the stage necessary for the product replacement. In the international markets, the acceleration of the life cycle of the product occurs because of the presence of the "follower" economies that introduces innovations on a rare basis whereas the success of others imitated quickly. Therefore, introduction of the low-cost versions of the newer products and precipitation resulted in quicker market decline and saturation. Growth A product effectively marketed meets the requirements of the target market since the suuplier undertook various market surveys and has established the estimates of the market composition and size (Brandao et al. 2013). With the introduction of the product, there is immediate creation of demand that the supplier is ready for satisfying. There is lower competition and higher sales volume. Thus, high profits, high prices, and wide product promotion characterizes the initial stages of the life cycle of the product. In the initial stages the international followers also did not develop any kind of limitations and hence the supplier of the product might export in the follower economies. Maturity The maturity phase of product life cycle puts forward slower increase in the sales volumes with level off demand. The supplier might reduce the prices for maintaining the market share and supporting the sales (Chang Lee and Chen 2014). Although there is decrease in profit margins but the high cost and volume makes the business attractive. Decline This represents the final phase of product life cycle where there is decrease in sales volume where many products find discontinuation and phase out (Bilir 2014). By the time this stage is reached the follower economies develops imitations which are good as original product and which are export them to the home market of the original supplier thereby depressing the volume and the sales. In this stage, the original supplier cannot undertake production however can lead to the generation of some returns through inventory cleaning and selling remaining products at discontinued prices. Examples: In airline, route can be termed as product. In this context, Korean Air has the highest number of domestic destinations where at the introduction stage it has little or no competition. In the growth stage, there is rise in profitability. The maturity stage leads to price drop due to the proliferation of the competing products. The decline stage leads to the reduction of prices and profitability. Another example in the context of Korean Air includes the formation of a global airline alliance. Here at the introduction stage, there would be hardly any competition. The growth stage leads to increase in profitability and public awareness. The maturity stage will have competitors entering the market followed by a decline stage where profitability and prices diminishes. External Environments in the Host Country Let the host country be Singapore. Therefore, the external environment faced by the company in the host country in terms of economic, technological and environmental factors are as follows: Economic Exchange rate: The economy of the Singapore faces higher degree of openness where the country remains highly dependable on the international trade. On a domestic note, Singapore does not experience changes against the value of the Singaporean currency. In spite of the fact that Singapore Dollar (SGD) fluctuates constantly against the other currencies of the world the prices of the imported products remains unchanged (Bussire, Delle and Peltonen 2014). For example, the exchange rate of Singaporean dollar is paid much attention while planning for overseas trip as a stronger SGD have a direct impact of as results in reduction of the prices of the tickets of the airline company. Petrol Prices: As per the Global Petrol Prices, the petrol prices in Singapore stood at an average of about S$2.01 during the last week of February 2017 that is higher by S$1.96 in the month of January 2017 and close to S$1.91 during the month of November 2016 (Valadkhani 2013). For example, although prices seem to increase but they represent historically lower values compared to the year 2013 and 2015 when the petrol price stood at S$ 2.55 per litre. This will act as attractive option for the airline company and contribute to its profitability. Inflation Rate: The stronger dollar of Singapore makes the imports cheaper. The imports are comparatively cheaper and hence the Singaporeans will spend lesser money on the foreign goods and services there by hampering the profitability (Chow, Lim and McNelis 2014). For instance, a weaker currency will result in higher inflation rate thereby leading to a rise in the interest rate. This will lead to slowing down of the economy. Technology: Advanced Singapore faces rapid development in how the consumers, the businesses and the industries are engaging with the technology because of constant technological innovation and the Smart Nation initiative plans of the local government (Zhang 2013). The Smart Nation initiative represents an effort for bringing together the various Singaporean economies for utilizing technology with the aim of improving the lives of the people and creating better opportunities. For example, there is evolvement of the business landscape due to increased penetration of IT, advances in digitization and mobile. This positioning will help in attracting newer businesses from the overseas and encourage the local organizations in seeing the importance of the weaving technology. Skilled Man Power or Processes: Singapore has a skilled work force who understands big data and analytics and how to advance the industries and business (Teng 2014). For example, they possess qualities like practices, principles, concepts, assurance, planning and leadership. They also possess deeper knowledge regarding the best practices revolving around Cyber security. In addition, they also have the diverse set of skills for managing the threats and opportunities. Environmental Factors: The pollution created through transportation remains one of the vital problems in the urban areas of Singapore. Singapore was amongst the countries that had the highest level of emissions of industrial carbon dioxide (Sarooghi, Libaers and Burkemper 2015). The primary concerns for Singaporeans are that the country does not possess enough water for supporting their needs. Moreover, the pollution from the industrial byproducts such as oil enhances the problem. Thus, water gets recycled after desalination International Staffing Strategy in the Host Country The company adopts a hiring strategy in the host country since it involves lesser expense in terms of both moving expenses and training. However, there might be certain expenses that might be less obvious which implies that the staffs might be more productive from the beginning (Shams and Huisman 2016). For example, the hiring of the staffs of the host country reduces the cost of the visas. Another strategy for involving the staffs of the host country represents that they does not have any cultural challenges to face. For example, these staffs are already familiar with the laws and the culture. Identification of the Design Structure of the Organization The Korean Air has a mixed organizational structure with mixed functions and divisions. The airline company has lots of division according to the functions performed (Blau 2017). They have different divisions each for passenger and cargo. Since Korean Air is an international company, so it also has a separate department for the international affairs. The airline also has a Cabin Service aimed at training the flight attendants and providing higher quality service. The first advantage of this structure includes optimizing the experience of the resources and the employees. The second advantage of this structure includes improvement in the lines of communication and ensures flexibility of working on the multiple projects. This structure however has a major disadvantage since it requires greater coordination effort compared to the other structures. Moreover, the employees who need to report to more than a single boss may result in conflict of accountability. This often leads to the stress and conflict for the employees involved. This is why the company should modify its structure in the next three years. Three Advantages Showing the Company Implements a Customized or Standardized Strategy The three advantages with examples include: Finding Newer Market Actively and Reinforcing Global Network: Korean Air has regular flights in close to 104 cities across the world where it has tried to develop newer markets. In the year, 2009, the airline company led to the launch of newer flights in some of the potential markets like Mudanjiang, Xian in China, Shizuoka in Japan and some non-regular flights to the third world through expansion of the fifth freedom of right in Japan Airline ( 2018). The airline company also undertook expansion in South America, Middle East and Africa and established sales office and service. However, with the liberalization amongst the countries the company is actively searching for newer flight options. In case of the flights to the America, the Korean Air represents the largest flights amongst the Asian airline company and secures the model for the long distance flights after the agreements of liberation amongst the countries. Ensures Providing Higher Quality of Service: Passengers taking Korean Air has the privilege of lounging service in the various international airports since the airline company shares more than 400 lounges in alliance with the Skyteam ( 2018). The airline company also ensures helping the passengers with the efficient transfer via the check in service. There are staffs to take care of the allocation of the seats, checking the baggage for the final destination and issuance of the boarding pass. Ensures Membership Program and Strategic Alliances as Marketing Korean Air makes use of the membership system for ensuring customer loyalty and goes into strategic alliance contracts with the other business both in the online and offline mode as one of its prime strategy for marketing ( 2018). The airline company ensures differentiates and sets a premium image from its competitors through promotion of an advertisement. For instance, Skypass represents a membership system put across by the Korean Air. The company ensures special to the frequent fliers across the world. Members were however able to earn mileage while they travel and thereby ensure buying bonus tickets with the help of scored mileages flight. Conclusion: To conclude, it can be said that Korean Air represents one of the most promising international companies across the world. It is also the best airline in terms of both the passengers and cargo transportation. 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